
Children benifit when their parents actively help in school

Feb 23, 2007 Evangelia Zonnios

Parent helpers not only help their own child but the whole school community. This is a rewarding activity both for yourself and for the school.


Parent helpers give a gift to the whole school that is very special to each and every child.


Whether covering books with contact or setting up a display of the children’s artwork, their assistance is an invaluable asset. Their help gives the teachers more time to spend with the children in the classroom.


Many times the parent helpers in a school tend to be the same people who are involved in everything. This is a real shame because so many of the other parents don’t  realize what a pleasure they themselves can receive from these kinds of duties.


For a start, stay-at-home parents will particularly enjoy the interaction with the school community. While working at the school, it is not unusual to stumble on some hidden talents. For instance you might find yourself painting a mural on a wall to beautify the school or you could end up planting a flower garden on the school grounds. Who knows? Many people have even found employment at the schools in which they are volunteering through initially being a parent helper.


There are always so many things that need to be done to improve the school environment and further the school curriculum, but many times it is only through the help of willing parents that any of it can happen.


The children will benefit greatly from their parents involvement with the school. The simple presence of their mother or father gives children a reassuring feeling. Many small children get a real kick out of seeing their parents while they are at school. And they feel a sense of pride in knowing that it was their mother or father that was helping out in their class’ assignment, or sports event.


Through being involved, parents will also gain a very clear understanding of what things are happening in their child’s school environment. They have the opportunity to know first hand what programs are being implemented, what problems have to be overcome, and they will have a better chance to communicate with their child’s teacher.


There is a lot of research to show that children whose parents help in schools have fewer absences and are more interested in their schoolwork. They are also less inclined to fall into trouble later in their adolescent years.


Whatever the role a parent helper plays, they can and should feel pleased with themselves because they have contributed in a very active way in which they not only help their own child in their academic progress but also all the other children in the school.

For comments on this story please feel free to email the author.

Copyright Evangelia Zonnios. Contact the author to obtain permission for republication.

Read more at Suite101: Enjoy Being a School Parent Helper: Children benifit when their parents actively help in school


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